No-Cheese Cheese Sauce? What are you even saying? Well I'm saying its possible by doing just these few steps. You start this sauce off with a basic béchamel (white sauce) made using any non-dairy milk. Now comes the secret ingredient - nutritional yeast! I discovered this a little while ago but never actually ended up using it in anything. When I was browsing through Amazon, I stumbled upon it again and thought that I would buy it and try using it in a dish. The result was amazing. It really gives a delicious flavour and it's a great option for anyone who is lactose-intolerant and really misses some mac and cheese or anything cheesy!

I would really recommend adding the garlic and onion powder. Don't ask my why but combined with the nutritional yeast, IT JUST WORKS! Keep the leftovers in the fridge and it stores well for up to 3 days.

AuthorAditiCategory, DifficultyBeginner

An incredible cheesy gooey sauce made without any dairy or cheese! Use this over pasta or just as a dip.

Yields3 Servings
Cook Time15 minsTotal Time15 mins

 3 tbsp Olive Oil
 2 tbsp Flour
 2 cups Soya or Almond Milk
 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
 ¼ cup Nutritional Yeast
 ¼ tsp Salt
 ¼ tsp Black Pepper
 ½ tsp Onion Powder
 ½ tsp Garlic Powder


Place a pot of water on to boil and salt generously. Once it comes to a boil, add in your pasta. Cook till al-dente.


While your pasta is cooking, add olive oil to a sauce pan on medium heat. Once your oil warms up, add the flour and stir briskly preferably with a whisk. Fry the flour in the oil for at least 30 seconds to cook it.


Pour in your milk and stir vigorously with a whisk to avoid lumps. The sauce will slowly thicken. Let it cook until you are able to draw a line in the saucepan. Do remember that it will continue to thicken as it cools down.


Remove from heat and then stir in the nutrition yeast, mustard, salt, pepper and the garlic and onion powder if you are using them.


Once the nutritional yeast has been mixed well into the sauce, add in the pasta and mix well. You can even serve your sauce as a cheese dip instead of with pasta. Serve warm.


 3 tbsp Olive Oil
 2 tbsp Flour
 2 cups Soya or Almond Milk
 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
 ¼ cup Nutritional Yeast
 ¼ tsp Salt
 ¼ tsp Black Pepper
 ½ tsp Onion Powder
 ½ tsp Garlic Powder



Place a pot of water on to boil and salt generously. Once it comes to a boil, add in your pasta. Cook till al-dente.


While your pasta is cooking, add olive oil to a sauce pan on medium heat. Once your oil warms up, add the flour and stir briskly preferably with a whisk. Fry the flour in the oil for at least 30 seconds to cook it.


Pour in your milk and stir vigorously with a whisk to avoid lumps. The sauce will slowly thicken. Let it cook until you are able to draw a line in the saucepan. Do remember that it will continue to thicken as it cools down.


Remove from heat and then stir in the nutrition yeast, mustard, salt, pepper and the garlic and onion powder if you are using them.


Once the nutritional yeast has been mixed well into the sauce, add in the pasta and mix well. You can even serve your sauce as a cheese dip instead of with pasta. Serve warm.

Pasta with No-Cheese Cheese Sauce

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