Grilled chicken is a staple for dinner at our house. Chicken is a tough protein to cook right. It is usually overdone and therefore becomes really hard. I think the key is to cook it for just the right amount of time. Around 3 minutes a side is usually perfect for me. Of course this all depends on the size and thickness of the piece of meat. I usually always beat it with a meal mallet so that it is approximately the same thickness.

This recipe ensures flavourful and tender chicken every time! It is really good just as it is but you can use it chopped in quesadillas, sliced over salad, or as I often do, in a sandwich. Do try and leave it to marinade for as long as possible. In case you can't, it is still super yummy. You can literally get dinner on the table in 20 minutes.

AuthorAditiCategory, DifficultyBeginner

One of the easiest and tastiest grilled chicken recipes! Packed with flavour from a delicious spice rub and done in less than 20 minutes!

Calories per serving - 382

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time10 minsCook Time10 minsTotal Time20 mins

 1 chicken breast
 ½ tsp minced garlic
 ¼ tsp paprika
 ¼ tsp chilli flakes
 ¼ tsp thyme (dry or fresh)
 ¼ tsp cumin powder
 ¼ tsp coriander seed powder
 ¼ tsp onion powder or fresh onion paste
 ½ lime juice
 1 tbsp olive oil
 salt to taste
 pepper to taste


Mix all the spices, garlic, lime juice and olive oil together in a bowl.


Massage the spice mixture into the chicken. I found that the chicken breast was a bit thick so I beat the area which was more uneven with a meal mallet till it was the same thickness as the rest of it. This is to ensure that the chicken cooks evenly and you don't get tough chewy bits on one side and uncooked chicken on the other. Marinade the chicken for as long as possible.


Heat up your grill or pan. Cook the chicken for around 4 minutes per side till it is just done. I usually let it rest for another 5 minutes before cutting into the meat.


It goes really well with our quinoa salad. Garnish with some lemon and you are all set!


 1 chicken breast
 ½ tsp minced garlic
 ¼ tsp paprika
 ¼ tsp chilli flakes
 ¼ tsp thyme (dry or fresh)
 ¼ tsp cumin powder
 ¼ tsp coriander seed powder
 ¼ tsp onion powder or fresh onion paste
 ½ lime juice
 1 tbsp olive oil
 salt to taste
 pepper to taste



Mix all the spices, garlic, lime juice and olive oil together in a bowl.


Massage the spice mixture into the chicken. I found that the chicken breast was a bit thick so I beat the area which was more uneven with a meal mallet till it was the same thickness as the rest of it. This is to ensure that the chicken cooks evenly and you don't get tough chewy bits on one side and uncooked chicken on the other. Marinade the chicken for as long as possible.


Heat up your grill or pan. Cook the chicken for around 4 minutes per side till it is just done. I usually let it rest for another 5 minutes before cutting into the meat.


It goes really well with our quinoa salad. Garnish with some lemon and you are all set!

Garlic and Spice Crusted Chicken

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  1. Paloma Rao March 26, 2019 at 7:46 am

    How long would recommend ideally letting the chicken breaths marinate? A Couple of hours?

    1. Aditi March 28, 2019 at 6:21 am

      Hi Paloma! Sorry for the late reply. Even 10 minutes is fine in case you don’t have the time but ideally for at least 2 – 3 hours. Any meat is better if it is left to marinate for a couple of hours.


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