Kung Pao Chicken is something that I always order at a Chinese restaurant. This is a bit of a healthier version and you won't feel so guilty tucking in a couple of times a week.

The process goes by really quickly so make sure that you have all your ingredients prepped and ready. You want to sear the chicken on a really high heat on the first side so that you get a bit of a crust. Then once the chicken is flipped, you can add in the sauce and let it simmer and reduce. The sauce may look slightly watery at the beginning but it will thicken during cooking so make sure that you take the time to reduce it without overcooking the chicken,

It is so flavourful that the chicken doesn't really need to be marinated for too long. If you have the time to marinate for 30 minutes then go ahead. Otherwise 10 minutes is also good enough.

You can even add in other vegetables like

  • capsicum
  • broccoli
  • carrots
  • zucchini
  • baby corn

Traditionally, Kung Pao Chicken always includes Sichuan peppercorns but since they are really difficult to find, I have added chilli flakes instead.

AuthorAditiCategory, DifficultyBeginner

My Kung Pao Chicken is the perfect combination of sweet, spicy and salty. So much better, easier and healthier than take out!

Yields4 Servings
Prep Time10 minsCook Time10 minsTotal Time20 mins

 400 g chopped chicken pieces
 1.50 tbsp dark soya sauce
 1 tbsp light soya sauce
 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
 2 tbsp sugar
 ½ tsp sesame oil
 2 tsp cornstarch
 ¼ cup water
 1 tbsp oil
 1 tbsp chopped garlic
 1 tbsp chopped ginger
 8 dried red chillies (chopped into 2 cm pieces and seeds removed)
 1 tsp red chilli flakes
 2 spring onion (white part)
 2 spring onion (green part chopped into 2 cm pieces)
 ½ cup roasted peanuts


Mix together all the sauce ingredients except the water. Pour 2 teaspoons of the marinade onto the chicken. Mix the chicken and set aside for 10-30 mins. Add the water to the marinade.


Heat up the wok over a high heat. Add in the garlic, ginger, red chillies and chilly flakes. Saute until it depends in colour.


Add in the chicken & white part of the spring onion and cook halfway through. Now add in the sauce. Simmer the sauce and let it thicken until it is syrupy. Just before removing from heat, add in the green spring onion and peanuts. Remove from heat and serve piping hot.


 400 g chopped chicken pieces
 1.50 tbsp dark soya sauce
 1 tbsp light soya sauce
 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
 2 tbsp sugar
 ½ tsp sesame oil
 2 tsp cornstarch
 ¼ cup water
 1 tbsp oil
 1 tbsp chopped garlic
 1 tbsp chopped ginger
 8 dried red chillies (chopped into 2 cm pieces and seeds removed)
 1 tsp red chilli flakes
 2 spring onion (white part)
 2 spring onion (green part chopped into 2 cm pieces)
 ½ cup roasted peanuts



Mix together all the sauce ingredients except the water. Pour 2 teaspoons of the marinade onto the chicken. Mix the chicken and set aside for 10-30 mins. Add the water to the marinade.


Heat up the wok over a high heat. Add in the garlic, ginger, red chillies and chilly flakes. Saute until it depends in colour.


Add in the chicken & white part of the spring onion and cook halfway through. Now add in the sauce. Simmer the sauce and let it thicken until it is syrupy. Just before removing from heat, add in the green spring onion and peanuts. Remove from heat and serve piping hot.

Kung Pao Chicken

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