I just adore anything that has the word lava in it. Lava cakes, cookies, you name it and I love it! That tender outside layer which reveals a molten gooey gorgeous fountain of melted chocolate within just really makes my heart sing.

Most lava cookie recipes are extremely unhealthy and fattening. I was trying to come up with one which was as healthy as it could possible be. Building on my flourless chocolate chip cookies, I realised that by using a nut butter as the cookie base and a dark chocolate chunk in the middle, I could possibly try to make one with as little unnecessary fats as possible

It is definitely difficult to get cashew butter at stores so I have shown you how to make your own at home. You can also substitute the cashew butter with almond butter with equally outstanding results.

A shout out to all my vegan friends who still want to use delicious cookies but don't want to use egg. You can replace the egg with 3 tablespoons of powdered chia seeds. It is that simple!

These lava cookies are gluten free and made without any butter or even oil. There is really nothing that can be better than this marvellous dessert!

AuthorAditiCategory, , , DifficultyBeginner

Chewy on the outside with molten lava chocolate on the inside, these cookies are sure to satisfy all your dessert cravings. The best part is that they are made without any gluten, butter or oil!

Yields12 Servings
Prep Time15 minsCook Time15 minsTotal Time30 mins

 2 cups cashew nuts
 ¼ tsp salt
 ½ cup brown sugar
 1 egg or 3 tablespoons powdered chia seeds
 ½ tsp baking soda
 1 tbsp vanilla essence
 12 pieces of chocolate chunks (preferably above 60% cocoa solids)


Preheat your oven to 180C. Toast the cashew nuts in a pan over medium heat till they turn evenly brown.


Cool the toasted cashews and blend them in a mixie or food processor with salt till it forms a smooth wet paste. Your cashew butter is ready.


In a bowl, mix together the cashew butter and brown sugar.


Now add in your egg, baking soda and vanilla essence. Mix till well combined.


It is time to roll your cookies! Roll out a ball of cookie dough and place it in your palm. Press a chocolate chunk in the middle of the cookie dough ball. With your fingers slowly bring the sides of the cookie dough up and over the piece of chocolate. Once it is totally covered, then press the cookie dough slightly flatter and place it on a baking sheet.


Put your cookies into the oven for 13 to 15 minutes till they turn slightly golden brown. Remove them from the oven and devour warm!


 2 cups cashew nuts
 ¼ tsp salt
 ½ cup brown sugar
 1 egg or 3 tablespoons powdered chia seeds
 ½ tsp baking soda
 1 tbsp vanilla essence
 12 pieces of chocolate chunks (preferably above 60% cocoa solids)



Preheat your oven to 180C. Toast the cashew nuts in a pan over medium heat till they turn evenly brown.


Cool the toasted cashews and blend them in a mixie or food processor with salt till it forms a smooth wet paste. Your cashew butter is ready.


In a bowl, mix together the cashew butter and brown sugar.


Now add in your egg, baking soda and vanilla essence. Mix till well combined.


It is time to roll your cookies! Roll out a ball of cookie dough and place it in your palm. Press a chocolate chunk in the middle of the cookie dough ball. With your fingers slowly bring the sides of the cookie dough up and over the piece of chocolate. Once it is totally covered, then press the cookie dough slightly flatter and place it on a baking sheet.


Put your cookies into the oven for 13 to 15 minutes till they turn slightly golden brown. Remove them from the oven and devour warm!

Gluten-Free Lava Cookies (Dairy Free, Oil free, Butter Free, Vegan Option)

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